Christian Wellness

You might be asking yourself what exactly is Christian Wellness? In a nutshell, it is the process of taking care of your soul or your spirit. And learning how to synchronize your spirit with the Holy Spirit.

In this day and age, in America specifically, traditional Christians follow the liturgical calendar and attend church, Sunday school, bible studies, and maybe even participate in small groups and potlucks.

While all of this is excellent, each has a different purpose. Attending church services is learning and worshipping. Participating in Sunday school and bible study is learning. Attending small groups and potlucks are a great form of fellowship.

However, none of these activities specifically targets supporting your soul. Soul care or spiritual support builds off of the foundation laid by studying the bible and learning from your pastor, minister, or priest. Whether you belong to a specific Christian denomination or Church, or non at all is irrelevant when talking about soul care.

If you’ve read my brief testimonial (here), you know that I have had illumination and spiritual gifts bestowed upon me by the Holy Spirit. The illumination brought spiritual, soul care understanding into such supreme focus. And today, I can truly say that the Holy Spirit holds my pen and guides my words.

Again – Christian Wellness is the process of taking care of your soul and learning how to synchronize your spirit with the Holy Spirit.

Christian Wellness broken down in its simplest form:

  • Christian – one who has claimed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
  • Wellness – the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal1

Neither of these terms are passive. Being a Christian is an active pursuit. One is actively choosing to live their life Christlike in word and deed. Wellness is actively pursuing healthfulness.

Let’s think about the body for a moment. You can be in tip-top shape and fall and break your ankle. With that injury, there are many steps you must take to get your ankle back to usable condition. At a minimum, there’s the initial cast needed to support the body mending the bone, the removal of the cast, and then the physical therapy begins.

Each step in the healing process is necessary. If you don’t cast right away, the bones will start knitting back together out of place. This means you may require surgery to align it properly and then pins to retain placement, another surgery to remove the pins, and then physical therapy begins. Similarly, without physical therapy, your mobility and range of motion may suffer.

For optimum Christian Wellness – a healthy soul – we must actively engage in the process of seeking spiritual wholeness indefinitely.

Joyfully Thankful facilitates Christian Wellness by providing various programs, events, written resources, and products to support your soul care journey.

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1 “Wellness Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,