Releasing Trauma Stored in the Body and Suppressing Your Spirit

What do I mean when I say “Release the Trauma”? 

When I use the phrase releasing the trauma from the body it refers to the entire process of letting go of the emotional pain and hurt caused by traumatic experiences. It involves acknowledging and deeply processing the emotions rooted in the trauma in order to move forward and heal.

Holding on to your trauma keeps you unwell in many ways. Your emotions are raw and true. Your physical pain is real and it hurts. I won’t ever tell you it’s not ok to feel what you are feeling. But it’s time to start intentionally letting it all go and really begin living your life.

But releasing trauma is no easy feat, it’s not a fad, and isn’t done in a one-shot deal. Our bodies emotionally, physically, and spiritually hold on tight to our traumatic experiences which show up as mental, physical, and spiritual illnesses. 

What does it mean to reawaken your spirit?

When I say reawaken, I specifically mean the reawakening of your spirit to become more aware of your true inner self and connect with your true essence or soul. It involves developing a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and connection to the seen and unseen world around you. 

Your trauma has shielded you from your true self. This suppression has truly been suffocating your “you”. As you begin to peel away the layers you’ve been hidden under, you will reawaken and transform as the Holy Spirit changes you and molds you to accomplish His will.

Do I know what I’m talking about?

Yes! I am a survivor. More than that I am a surviving warrior for Christ! Not only have I survived multiple traumas, but I have thrived under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

I am not a doctor, clinician, or any other type of medical professional licensed by the government. Well then, who qualified me to talk about this stuff? God.

I am just a true believer and follower of God who has been ordained by Christ to feed His sheep by sharing every bit of knowledge, wisdom, and love bestowed upon me by the Holy Spirit.

The definition of a survivor is “a person who continues to function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks.”

Living with almost half a century of complex post-traumatic stress disorder and following the traditional steps of healing through traditional counseling, intensive in-patient care pastoral counseling, medication, etc. did not bring about the healing I needed.

Oftentimes when writing or interacting on social media I allude to some of the traumatic experiences that I have survived. My life story is personal and long and I’d rather share it in person. But to let you know that more than likely, I can relate to your experience on some level, I’ve created a simple chronological timeline of my life for you of the traumatic experiences I’ve survived (pictured).

I never felt like a survivor, I felt like a victim that was holding on by a thread. Yes, on the surface I knew I “made it through” an awful lot. But I didn’t truly know the harm to my body, mind, and spirit that had occurred.

In crying out to God through fasting and prayer vigil God granted me sight. He chose to heal me and gave me spiritual gifts to help others step into His will. You can read more about that here.

You can’t necessarily tell when someone has healed from something that’s not quite physical because we can’t see a person’s insides or know their thoughts. But God tells us to watch for the fruit.

If you ask anyone who has known me, they know I’m different. I’ve changed fully – and I keep on improving. Like a caterpillar changing in its chrysalis – I truly have been transformed by the Holy Spirit.

My weight loss is just one of my fruits but it’s an outward and obvious change that anyone can see whether we know each other personally or not.

For someone who has experienced so much hurt, sometimes even the fruits, such as my weight loss, can be scary and bring hidden anxieties bubbling to the surface. (You can read more about my recent experience here.) This is why it’s important to keep in mind, healing absolutely is a life-long journey of release and renewal.

This is what everyone wants to know

What’s your secret? How have you lost so much weight?

It’s no secret and most people don’t really want to hear this answer: I released my trauma and gave everything – my entire life – to God. I literally do exactly what God directs whether I understand why or not, whether I feel embarrassed or not, and whether I can see His plan or not. He calls and I follow.

Let me help you. Do you feel lost, sad, angry, bitter, defeated, unloved, or abandoned? Do you want more out of life? Do you want to follow His path? Do you want to live intrinsically connected to the power God gave you?

I will teach you how to truly give these thoughts and feelings over to God to work through for you. I will show you Christ’s love. I will show you how to hold His promises instead of the trauma. I will tell you how they lied to you, how you are truly made in His image – fully deserving of love and everlasting life. Claim the life God meant for you.

Join me at my Life Refresh retreat and I’ll show you how.